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Patent claims describe the most important “concepts” of an invention.
PatentCafe’s Web-based Claims Chart and Claims Test System incorporates our Advanced Latent Semantic Analysis patent search tools to extract claims directly from the most relevant patent returned in the concept-based search results.
The Claims Chart automates the process of creating a document that displays a side-by-side comparison of two sets of patent claims.
Festo has changed the way claims are drafted and presented. Infringement litigation suits begin with an analysis of each set of claims. Despite the persistent need for claims charts to test patent claims prior to filing, or for use in patent analysis or litigation, the job has been cumbersome and inefficient.
PatentCafe’s Claims Chart system:
- allows users to draft a set of proposed claims for new applications, and test the claims against prior art before filing,
- allows side-by-side comparison of a baseline patent against a list of patents generated by the Latent Semantic Analysis search tools (it extracts the prior art patents most relevant to the baseline patent),
- allows for the addition of comments and annotations related to the claims text comparison,
- allows the user to identify each printed chart by client, matter number, and other date, patent number, and filing / issue date fields,
- provides for single-click generation of a PDF Claims Chart Report that contains a footer with sequentially numbered pages, pages with line-numbered double-spaced claims text, appended with any included annotations.
The patent claims chart / claims test allows patent attorneys, engineers, patent drafters or patent researchers to:
- identify claims details quickly when assessing possible infringement;
- test proposed patent claims against prior art before filing – reduces examiner-directed claims amendments;
- efficiently test for patentability, invalidity, freedom to operate.
How To Use the Claims Charting System
1. After logging in, select the CLAIMS CHART / TEST button.
2. Input either a valid patent (and identify the authority), or a sample set of claims for a new patent (Screen A).
After claims are determined from Step 1 above, click SUBMIT, and the Claims Chart system will automatically compile the BASELINE CLAIMS on the left side of Screen B. The claims to compare to the Baseline claims can then be selected a number of ways, including:
- automatically search for all relevant patents,
- enter a specific patent number to extract claims from, or
- manually enter a set of claims copies from a word text application.
If the “Search for all relevant patents” option is selected, a search results set will be produced with each patent showing a yellow option box “Chart Claims” as shown in Screen C. Clicking on this box will automatically fill the RIGHT side of the Claims Chart for comparison. (If you wish to narrow the results FIRST, simply use the “search within” box at the page top and enter the desired Boolean keywords to include, or exclude.
Once the claims are on the same page, you can scroll both the left and right set of claims separately, making comparison fast and efficient. Add comments and annotations during the comparison, and these notes will be added to the final report. Once satisfied with the claims chart, you can add your Matter Description, and click “Print All” as shown in Screen D.
The printable Claims Chart will then be immediately converted to a PDF document that includes claims, annotations, date stamp, patent numbers, and other relevant information. To view a sample PDF Claims Chart comparing two patents, download the report here.
Download a SAMPLE CLAIMS REPORT (HERE) Multi-user Accounts – Request Demo or Product Information (HERE) |
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